Filter Choke Out

Dirty air filters are the #1 reason for HVAC system failure. Filth restricts the air flow into the air handler and makes the fan motor work harder. Truth is, cleaning or changing filters saves money and sense.

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Run Capacitor Run

Over the Christmas Holidays I received a call from Lilly whose heater was not working. Little did she know her capacitor was not working properly. Lilly had an HVAC company come out to get the heater looked at earlier but did not like what was being told to her. The technician stated the unit was 13 […]

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Why is my inside unit leaking water?

Most commonly, a leak in the inside unit is actually a stopped up drain line. You should check your drain line to make sure there are no clogs. First, locate your drain line. It is a PVC pipe that should come out of the ground near your outside unit. Hook a wet dry vacuum up […]

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